Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Hey, good to see we have some ideas generating. We can always combine various ideas such as going around to classes and handing out flyers. I definitely think we should try and get as many people as possible so including the theaters, laurier etc is good. For the handouts I think we need more than just an image and our URL we need to give people a reason to go to the URL. Think; if someone gave you a picture and a website would you go to not knowing anything about it? You need to intice people, whats in it for them? I thought advertising the discount for the movies through a discounted pass that you had to sign up for online covered that. I think we also need to look at using different media, maybe an ad in imprint or an ad through the tvs on campus like in the slc or sc hall. Its relatively easy to make a digital media ad. we could hang banners in the SLC.
Some other thoughts.. what will our website have on it, its not a replica of the GRFF site.

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