Thursday, October 30, 2008

text arrangement project.

Michelle - Display text

If you look closely I shadowed the text in the heading but you can't see it very well at this size


Anthony Typographic...

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Popcorn Mustache Youtube Ad

nicki's rickards ads- play on words kickstart

Ian's Kickstart Ads

TwoKickstart Ads for Nike Running Shoes. Ian.

I think we can count on being well over 420 by class :) :) I think someone has erased my chalk designs :(
Here's a link to our youtube video in case anyone checking up on us wants to see it... ;)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Anthony's Ad Drafts...

Hey guys, these are (sadly) my best attempts at photoshop! The first one uses the "Spoofs and Parodies" method, and the second one uses the "Without Words" method.

Here are the rough drafts of my kickstart ads for Oakley O Frame Iridium goggles.

The banner..

looks good. I like it, I like it a lot. 394 unique hits seems like a lot, I wonder how it compares to the other groups. I guess we can always take pride in the fact that we used real, ethical marketing techniques and didn't piss anyone off or screw people over too.

Good luck on the essays guys. See you tomorrow.

on three...1.2.3.splinter!

Ian - thanks for sending the banner. It has now been added to the site.
394 unique hits as of today!!!

I sent you a "Click to Enter" banner that should fit over top of the POPCORNMUSTACHE.COM banner on the middle right of our site.

Good call Michelle. I'll add some text along the lines of, click here to enter, to the site today.

Nicki, for photoshop in class we use CS2. You'd be fine with 6.0 7.0 CS2 or CS3.


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

i'm so impressed by us.
we're totally gonna win./
does anyone know off the top of their head which version of photoshop we use in advertising? i need to download it to my computer so i wanna make sure i have the right one.

Michelle - more hits!!!

I'm concerned that the people going to our site aren't continuing, It's easy to go to the site and then leave to another page without clicking the background. Maybe if we could ad something like "enter" or "continue" or "click here" more people will go to the GRFF site. I might be worth trying for the next few days.

Michelle - more hits!

Hey guys! We now have a video up on youtube. search "popcorn mustache" to see it. I put in a bunch of key words like "mccain" and "obama" etc to attract other viewers. So hopefully this will get up some more hits.
Also, nicki could you bring either a page of the stickers or a sticker sheet to class so I can print more out and do some more vandilism. Thx.
Oh and I found some posters with a suspicious address. I'm thinking it might be from one of the teams. If I get some stickers I can do some damage.
How are the essays coming?

Monday, October 20, 2008

Your ads look great Michelle! I like the concept of the steering wheel for driving the snowboard. I'm actually doing ski goggles for mine - similar theme!

That's awesome that you popcorn-mustached bomber Nicki! I finished going through MC with stickers and I also ran into classrooms and wrote it on all the blackboards in the labs in MC. Also, I put some in Dana Porter - especially on fifth floor by all the computer terminals.

Our hit count for absolute unique hits is...256!!!

We've had 272 visits, 351 page views and an average time of 17 sec spent on our page per visit.

more kickstart ads

So these are some other kickstart ads that I did but I'm not going to use them. They are for bed head salon products

Michelle - Kickstart ads

So these are my kick start ads. They are for Burton snowboards.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

bomber's been pimped!

hey kids.
the bomber has officially been exclusively tagged. i got posters up on the walls in the bar and in the bathrooms, and stickers in the bathroom and on some of the napkin dispensers. i'll make sure no one else tries any funny business like tryin to invade our turf. someone wanna update me on our hit count?
also, can someone email me that list that i sent you regarding our essay? just wanna double check it.
thanks, hope your octoberfest weekends were spectacular!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

We said

parody, not paradox.

Sharpie Ad - Michelle

my ad suggests the idea that sharpies are a quality art material that enables artists to create great masterpieces.

I think our popcorn mustache idea is more of absurd, surreal or bizarre, in the kickstart book.
What absurd or bizarre ideas can the product be associated with?

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Sharpie Ad...


tis my ad

sharpie ad

Sharpie ad from class. Fun to make. Funner to doodle in real life.

- Ian.

Analytics etc...

So, apparently we are not the only group having issues getting Prof. O'Gorman linked to our site. He said he has nobody on his list.

So we haven't lost any ground to anybody which is nice. I'm sure we'll talk about the issues tonight.

hey guys. just an interesting ad I found this morning. i love guiness and their use of a play on words to create a memorable ad.

check cha check check check cha check it out.


Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Just checking in,
So I shouldn't be doing anything else to get us clicks. We should see if he is going to take our gliche with the google analytics into account seeing as its not up and running yet. I can guarantee that we're getting them with all the posters up around Laurier.
Do any of you guys know if the kickstart project first draft is due on Oct 23rd along with the essay? And is the "single product" of our choice?
Also thinking that we should print off more stickers and do those youtube videos

Thanksgiving Mustache...

Hey guys, hope the weekend treated you well.

I printed off a few posters and stickers and sent them with my brother to Western. He's in res up there so I told him to throw one or two up per floor. That should expand our demographic a bit.

Oh, and my mom teaches high school in Brantford. She's in a lab for 2 out of her 3 periods and said she'll get each student to go to the site as well. So that should be 30-40 more hits too.

Also, one of my roommates just came back and said he saw some popcornmustache stuff on campus, so whoever did that, nice work. it's getting noticed.

- Anthony

Sunday, October 12, 2008

google analytics

Hey team,

The analytics code has been pasted into our html. I added O'Gorman as a user so I think he just needs to go in and hook it into GRFF now...think he will let us know when this is done?
Anyhow, don't start promoting until we have the hits tracking confirmed.

Also, do NOT click on the link in the email David Halk sent to the class. It's a trick to get you to click on their GRFF website.

Have a great thanksgiving!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Essay...

Hey Michelle, Professor O'Gorman delayed the essay a week. He told us on Thursday so i guess its not due now until the 23rd.

Friday, October 10, 2008


Hey, Lots of progress made today. I printed off 25 posters and managed to get all of them up down king st. and on the Laurier campus. I also bought sidewalk chalk and vandalized their campus a bit. So I'll do more of that on Monday. I guess that essay is due next week huh....
A warning about putting posters around the school, any FEDS post board you need a stamp of approval otherwise it will get ripped down in no time, no joke. Don't waste our valuable posters on these boards, same with other places, get their approval otherwise it will be taken down.
Sorry I wasn't there last night. I had a mid term and was in serious need of some sleep. I figure you guys divided the poster, so I'll just run over to kinkos and print off some more black and white. Remember to take some pictures of you putting up posters.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

sorry i missed the meeting yesterday guys, my dad was in town and i had some stuff to take care of. the site looks great! cool that we could still use the auto redirect and have elements of design encorporated. i'll bring the posters and stickers michelle and i printed to class tonight and we can divide them up to dispense if we want. thanks for all your wicked work guys, this project is gonna rule.

The site...

looks good. The auto re-direct actually surprised me with no countdown which is good. Before I knew what was going on I was at the GRFF site. It almost reminds me of a sexy milk mustache spoof, which just happens to be one section of the reading this week. So, I think spoof and parody could be one our kickstart methods to mention in the essay.

I think before we start throwing stickers on everything we should sit down and ration them out for different areas. We do have a ton but I think they will run out pretty fast if we just start chucking them on people's backs.

One other important location for posters: BUS STOPS!

I always find myself reading anything within my line of sight when I'm waiting for the bus so that should be a big one.


Right on track!

Definitely a solid meeting yesterday. It was very productive and we had a lot of great ideas going on.
The page is now live! I used some css attributes to make sure that no matter what screen size you view our image on, it will always fill and bleed off the page.

SLC is a good call for posters. MC would also be a good place since people need to walk through there now to get past that construction. Can't wait to start getting our posters and stickers up!

And if you handle Laurier and Nicki takes on Bomber, I'll see what I can work out with Center in the Square.

Again, great job team!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Good Meeting...

Another good meeting today guys. The site is coming along, some cool ideas on there for sure. We need to start thinking of the really high traffic areas around campus to put our popcorn mustache portraits.

All around the SLC is obviously one. I also think in the Tim Horton that are around campus is another one. Maybe on the side door of DP as well because due to the construction, there is a high volume of people using that single entrance. Both the CIF and PAC gyms is another one and I'll ninja it and throw one in Laurier's athletic complex as well.

Plus Nicki has Bomber covered so we shoule be good there as well.



cool meeting guys. I like.

... coming soon to a venue near you... or pretty much EVERYWHERE!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Saturday, October 4, 2008

also, this is my cell number if anyone needs to find me for whatever reason.

design materials

hi guys,
i was at staples buying my roomie a computer and i found sticker paper in full sheets. so i bought one package (its 10 full 8.5 X 11 pages), so that should suffice for our stickers. you just print right onto the white paper and the whole sheet is sticky and can be cut into smaller stickers of our mustaches and the web URL. the cost was 15 bucks. if we go over our budget its no big deal, i don't mind spending a lil extra to be the best! how are the posters going?

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Pics are looking good. I'm going to put a pile of them together tomorrow morning and send them out to everyone.

Did we secure the URL?



I hope there isn't a maximum capacity for the blog

um.. yeah this should be plenty


Ok so I have some issues that we need to think about.
The popcorn mustache campaign is really a poster based campaign cause you want full size profile shots of celebrities with moustaches. I'm kinding leaning towrd a better quality coloured poster simply because these celebrities need to be recognizable and because this is what we selling; cool shots of celebrities. These posters need to be so entertaining that peope want to see a tone more. We are selling the entertainment value.
I think we should use the real popcorn cernals that Allison has cut out. And we need to be consistant, everyone using the same curnals, they need to look unified.
I was think we could use relatively small pieces of popcorn so that we can form the moustaches better and do various styles of moustaches, the curl, the french waiter, the bush etc.
My next big issue now is the stickers and fitting accross at teeny tiny sticker. I think they should be the size I was thinking of, about 1 1/2 by 2 1/2, I looked it up on staples. And we wont be able to fit the celebrity shots on the stickers, it will either have to be just the moustache in popcorn or simply a blown up popcorn cernal with the site accross the middle or something.
I think unity is major for getting marks!

Popcorn Mustache...


Ok well I'm going to imprint tonight so i'll see what the deal is with the ad and I'll use the one I posted if I can submit it for next fridays paper. The sticker idea is growing on me we could do some serious vandalism with that. Do we still want to do a youtube video, we'll have to get on that next week if we are.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Meeting...

The production at today's meeting was awe-inspiring. I think we have a fantastic start and a solid pitch to throw Prof. O'Gorman's way tomorrow.

Michelle, I like that piece you posted there. I'm thinking it should maybe be the advertisement for Imprint if we can get it rather than a leaflet. It definitely is quality enough to be published and gives slightly more hints to what GRFF is about than the other VHS leaflets, which I think is exactly what the newspaper ad should be. Cool stuff.

The website is also coming along nicely. We should inquire about the 'auto re-direct' thing tomorrow because that is also a great idea.

I'm going to make a few little tweaks to the powerpoint tonight and it'll be ready to do tomorrow for the pitch.

See you guys then.


P.S. If you guys seriously want me to record a little theme song for the site I will do it. I'm thinking something very epic and movie-soundtrack-esque. It could start playing as soon as someone goes to the site..I think that's possible...right...?....Allison
K Questions, did he say anything about taking images from the net? I know he doesn't want us using the GRFF images


Hey, so thats my latest handout card. I think I'm good now, 3 posters and 2 handout cards plus Ians. So If you send them to me by Monday then I'll print us off a ton of everything, keeping in mind budget. I guess we want to do coloured paper for Ians? Or do we like that they are black and white? We might be able to get red paper from Michaels. Mine should all be on white paper. Then maybe wednesday we can start distributing. How's the website going?
