Tuesday, September 23, 2008

GRFF Idea Feedback.

Hi Guys,
I was definetly thinking on the same wavelength as Anton. You mentioned using mediums that display only a little bit of information to intice people to visit our site. I think it's essential for us to only give away a bit of our info because most of the people that visit our site will never have gone to or even heard of the event, so curiosity may be our main form of attack. You also said using UW as a means of distribution of flyers/posters etc. This is good but I think we can go further and encorporate more space (ie. Laurier, the street, bus stops..) Anywhere that people pass during the day could have something about our site. What about the Galaxy or Princess movie theatre?
I'm going to think of some more ideas and bring them to class. We've got some good starts, I'm excited.

- Nicki

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