Monday, September 22, 2008

GRFF Ideas


I think bringing 3 ideas to the table for Thursday is a good idea. Here's a couple I have floating around my head:

1. I think an effective way of getting hits is to peak people's curiosity by not giving away too much information. I was thinking maybe little flyers shaped like VHS tapes with simply the website URL written on the back. We could spread these around campus, like in the Imprint stands, poster boards, cafe trays...everywhere.

2. Perhaps a more typical strategy. Ask your professors if you can have 1 or 2 mins before lecture to have a word with the class. Let them know about the festival, what it has to offer, then write our URL on the board and encourage them to visit even if they are vaguely interested. Try to emphasize the fact that our website is the best/only way to get information on tickets.


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