Thursday, November 27, 2008


So does anyone have plans for Christmas??

Sweet Ad Anthony!

That McDonalds Ad is awesome. I like the heart rate monitor thing thats cool.

Here is my final remix, I'm pretty happy with the changes that I made. I was still able to write an essay on it so thats good I guess.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


essay is goin alright. since there wasnt really any guidelines per say, im being a bit creative.

using klein mainly to structure the paper as a whole then using some quotes from the others to strengthen a couple points. i hope thats enough.
=>We only have to do one subvertisement
Very nice ad! I like the concept of the heart monitor and nice incorporation of Pricken's book.
Must admit, I encountered a similar problem...Oakley was looking too flawless so now I'm going with GM's Hummer.
How is everyone's essay coming along?


do we do 1 or 2 subvertisements? right now i just got 1 and only talked bout in my essay.